Please note the hotel sauna, SPA and swimming pool will be undergoing maintenance on 6th January 2025.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
Thanks and warmest regards.
In our continued commitment to sustainability, Grand Hilai Taipei will be implementing a new eco-conscious policy starting January 1, 2025. As part of this initiative, we will no longer provide single-use toiletries (including toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, shower caps, razors, and shaving cream) as standard amenities in our guest rooms. Should you require any of these items during your stay, please contact our front desk on the first floor, where our team will be delighted to assist you. Thank you for joining us in our efforts to safeguard the planet.
■ 當天請依約定人數入住,人數或房間數量若有增減請務必事先告知。
■ 入住時請出示您的證件,以便辦理登記。
■ 為維護住宿環境,室內及房間內請勿吸煙、酗酒、聚賭,並嚴禁開趴吸毒,不便處請見諒。
■ 請勿攜帶寵物,不便處請見諒。
■ 個人貴重物品、請自行妥善保管、如有遺失,恕不負責,敬請見諒。
■ 為維護住宿安寧,晚上10點後請降低音量,以免影響其他房客。
■ 屋內之傢俱、電器、擺設、器具等皆為本之財產,物品如有折損或遺失,敬請照價賠償。
■ 請勿任意移動室內擺設(如床舖、液晶電視)。
◆ 每間房最大可容納2大+2小不佔床 (0-11歲(含)視為不佔床兒童可免費入住,加床或早餐另計)
◆ 加人加床費用皆於飯店現場支付
◆ 每晚加一床不含早餐:1848元/位
◆ 每晚加一床含早餐:2310元/位
◆ 實際收費標準,仍依旅宿官方規定為準
◆ 未滿3歲以下免費
◆ 3歲(含)以上、未滿6歲酌收220元清潔費
◆ 6歲(含)以上、未滿12歲,每位$490
◆ 12歲(含)以上視為成人
◆ 備註:兒童收費標準,請出示有效身分證明文件(健保卡)。
◆ 平假日定義:假日:週六、週日、國定假日、連假、補班日;平日:週一~週五(非國定假日及連假)
◆ 實際收費標準,仍依旅宿官方規定為準